Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How Great That Is!

“I pray for them. I am not praying for the world,

but for those you have given me, for they are yours.”

John 17:9

In the verse above Jesus says He is praying for His disciples and not for the world.

Yet the word “world” dominates the first 19 verses of John Chapter 9 being mentioned by Jesus no less than 13 times!

Jesus was sending His disciples ‘...into the world...’ with a Kingdom message.

Jesus was not overcome by the world and its message but overcame it.

His prayer recorded in this chapter was, in part, that His disciples would be overcomers in the world and not overcome by it.

We are told elsewhere in scripture that Jesus is interceding on our behalf in heaven.

I believe that His prayer in John 17 is still being prayed in heaven on our behalf – for you and me.

We are not losers, we have already won and our seated with Christ in heavenly places.

Oh sure, there will be trials and our share of troubles as long as we are in the world but we have an advocate praying on our behalf at the right hand of the Father.

How great is that?

How great that is!

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