Thursday, October 6, 2016

Weighty Words

“May my prayer be set before you like incense;

    may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.”

Psalm 141:2

What prayers are ‘legal’?

Asking it another way: What prayers that you pray are prayed as God intended?

How many prayers have you prayed that have captured the heart of God?

“Every one of them!” you say.

Are you sure?

I admit to way more than my share of ‘God gimme’ prayers that are nothing more than self-seeking litanies much like the over indulged child’s Christmas gift list.

Yes, we are certainly admonished to “...make our requests known...” but what a difference it makes when we move from ‘I-me-mine’ to ‘nevertheless, not my will but yours be done’!

What if we spent more of our time listening for the heart of heaven before we opened our mouths and then truly prayed His heart?

Do you suppose the impact might be different?

Maybe there is someone in your life; a spouse, a friend, a child; who has been trying to talk to you about something very important in their life but you haven’t been listening.

 What if you started to really listen?

How much more so when we come into the presence of the King?

What if we placed a greater value on His words by actually taking the time to listen and obey?

How radically changed our prayer life could be!

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