Friday, October 7, 2016

King Jesus

Today’s blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. (Revelation 19:16)

We view Jesus as many things – our best friend, savior, and provider to name a few.  And He is all those things.  But we often lose sight of the fact that He is our King and the ruler of the Kingdom we belong to.

As a result, we don’t always honor and revere Him as we should.

For example, in any kingdom, the words of the King are law, but with Jesus, we pick and choose which words we will obey.

In any kingdom, the citizens approach the king with great reverence and a bowed heart, but we approach the throne room of God with a list of demands while spending little time worshipping or giving thanks to the One who sits on the throne.

It’s not about the blessings we receive.  It’s about the King who pardoned us and positioned us to receive those blessings.

It’s not about our gifting’s.  It’s about the King who has equipped us and imparted those gifts to us.

It’s not just about the cross.  It’s about the King who went to the cross.

Jesus is the King of all kings.  He is the King of the greatest Kingdom in existence and He deserves to be honored as such.

Nobody does a better job at describing the King we serve than S. M. Lockridge.

Have a listen.

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