Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hold the Chatter!

“Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge

in it will become more and more ungodly.”

2 Timothy 2:16

The Bible speaks of wise words and those who choose them.

The world, though, is filled with the opposite.

godless chatter dominates our airwaves and public discourse.

It is acceptable and rewarded to be uncivil and even crass in some circles.

The louder and more offensive one is the more celebrity status they enjoy.

You can hardly watch the news or listen to the radio without two people shouting at each other.

We are told that the fruit of such behavior is to become more and more ungodly.

By contrast a follower of Jesus Christ is admonished to bless and not curse, to speak life to others.

It is easy to engage in debate with those who think differently than we do but before you do, it may benefit to ask yourself some questions.

Am I able to disagree and still use my words to build up and encourage?

At the end of the discussion, who or what is lifted up, Jesus Christ or my ego?

Can I speak in a way that we not cause me embarrassment or the need to

seek forgiveness for my words?

Always remember the power of the tongue!

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