Wednesday, February 3, 2016

So What?

“Do you not know and understand that you [the church] are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells [permanently]

in you [collectively and individually]?”

I Corinthians 3:16

So what!

So what?

If the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you here are three challenging
so what’ questions to ask yourself:

1.       What have you done with that?

2.       What difference has it made?

3.       What is the overall purpose of this?
                              God has a purpose for each of our lives.
I know that you know that.
The Holy Spirit inside of us helps us to not only discover that purpose but also to fulfill it.
But we do not have what we do not avail ourselves of.
I doubt any of you have presents still gift-wrapped, as yet unopened from your 10th birthday.
You opened them and you made use of them.
It is much the same with the Holy Spirit.
We build a relationship with Him and as we do we begin to realize how He can bring us into spiritual maturity.
If I never get on a bike, I will never learn how to ride it.
If I never trust, talk and walk with the Spirit of God indwelling me, how can I learn to rely on Him?
I hope you do not think it disrespectful of me to encourage you to ‘make use’ of the Holy Spirit in you.
God delights when we do!

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