Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Day Before...

We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.”

John 9:4

Today is the day before Christmas.
Tomorrow is a day that we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.
Many will be busy today with last minute shopping, wrapping and preparation for their time with family and friends.
That got me to thinking about another ‘day before’.
Perhaps soon we will be going on with our lives on the day before His return.
While no one knows the day or the hour except the Father we do know how we are to ‘occupy’ those days until His return.
So, on this day before Christmas here is something to think about –
If this were also the day before His return what would He find you doing?
Would it be a day of prayer for that family member so far away from God?
Would it be a day when the orphan and widow are cared for?
Would it be a day when the prisoner is visited?
Would it be a day when the hungry are fed and the naked clothed?
This is not being written as a guilt trip but rather a challenge and an opportunity for each of us, myself included, to bring a balance to the ‘day before’ that it is indeed not all about us.
In the busyness that today can bring don't forget to look for ways to minister His life to others.
Those opportunities never seem to present themselves on our timetable when we are 'idle' and looking for them.
They most often come when we are busy about our own tasks and deliberately force us to choose between self and others.
Jesus guarded His 'alone' time with the Father but He was also and always ready to minister to others as the Holy Spirit led Him.  
Let the ‘day before’ His return (and every day leading up to it) be as rewarding as the day after He comes back for His church!

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