Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Being His Voice

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing.”
I Thessalonians 5:11

This can be a crazy, hectic time of year.
Yes, so many people love the holidays but the 25th of December and the 1st of January can be here and gone in a moment.
I was reminded today of several people – some friends who have moved out of state this year, another was a church family member who recently was stationed in Europe and still another is an old neighbor pushing well into his eighties who lives half his time in western New York and half in Florida.
So I want to challenge you to slow down long enough to tell someone else who may need to hear it that you appreciate them.
Maybe they are racing along through the season and just missing the opportunity to connect with old friends or loved ones.
Jesus took the time this week to remind me that He loves me.
With all the distractions, it came at just the right moment
(funny how He knew exactly when to remind me!).
We can forget or doubt that love when the busyness keeps us distracted.
You can be those words and that voice of Jesus to someone else today.
Slow down and bless them.
They need to hear Him and He delights in using you to bring that message.
What are you waiting for?
Have you texted, posted or called them yet?
As you take the time to encourage others that same encouragement will come back to you!

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