Friday, July 19, 2013

Work or Wait?

“it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:26
I remember this verse being quoted by someone who seemed opposed to any evidence of exuberance in worship.
 I guess they must have missed all the Psalms which speak of shouting, loud cymbals and joyful noise.
I can wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord while in the midst of celebratory praise!
It is that inward quietness of spirit and soul that waits quietly and patiently that is rewarded with the salvation of the Lord.
So often we think our rescue depends on our work.
Heaven awaits those who have ‘earned’ it.
My way out of a dilemma is to labor to change my circumstances.
Now no one is excusing laziness but the person who trusts any forward advancement in the Kingdom of God based on their own efforts is a frustrated person indeed.
The world will tell you – “No pain, no gain.”
God’s Word will tell you “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…”
It just seems so counter-intuitive to us and to our culture that simple ‘waiting’ would strengthen us.
After all, who likes ‘waiting’ in line?
But of course the key is who we wait for!
Waiting on God has rewards unlike any other wait you may endure.
Salvation; strength; supernatural empowerment are just a few of the benefits of waiting on Him who makes that wait worthwhile!
You see more often than not in the Kingdom of God -
We don’t ‘work’ to advance – we ‘wait’ to advance!
Only then do we ‘advance’ in the power and the anointing of God!

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