Thursday, July 11, 2013


“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.”
Psalm 42:1
What satisfies you?
Sometimes, it is easy to point our collective finger at the world and declare them to be satisfied with anything else but God.
We can point to the movies, sports venues and a host of other activities meant to fill the void in their lives.
But how different is the church?
Are we satisfied in Christ alone?
Is He what draws and keeps us in fellowship at church?
What if the church offered no other ‘ministries’ other than to minister to God through praise and worship?
That’s right, no youth group, no children’s ministry, not a men’s or woman’s ministry team?
Would you still come if Christ were the only ‘draw’?
Understand that these things may not be wrong but when our satisfaction at church becomes other ‘things’ we more closely resemble the world than we are willing to admit!
Most Christ followers are so “un-satisfied” with God that we go to the world to find our satisfaction instead of finding it in Him!
Some churches try to draw people to Christ by looking less like Him and more like the culture around them.
Let me repeat, God is not opposed to coffee bars, youth ministry or a ‘fellowship night out with the guys’.
But when any of those things become our satisfaction – we have replaced God with god.
When someone visits that church – we can only introduce them to god.
The life struggles that people bring can only find their solution in God.
We must be His image in the earth.
We dare not represent a watered down god to a hurting and desperate world.
Let Him alone be your satisfaction.
That, in itself, becomes apparent to others and draws them to Christ.  

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