Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ask Him. I Dare You!

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,”
Romans 15:5
Has anybody ever said to you “You are your own worst enemy!”?
I know I have heard it at different points in my life and probably you have to.
Some people are so good at pointing at their
own faults that they have no need for other ‘finger-pointers’.
Rather than being a finger-pointer to this person, try being a back patter!
No, I’m not talking about flattery or lying.   
Instead; ask God to show you ways to honestly and genuinely encourage that person.
Most everyone has wonderful attributes and commendable behaviors.
Imagine how nice it would be if, instead of allowing them to constantly beat themselves up, we took the time to encourage them and speak life into them.
What if your words were the first ones they heard that day that did not tear them down?
What an opportunity to bless someone!
“How can one conversation spark a change in someone’s life?” you ask.
Look back at the Gospel’s.
Take note of the encounters Jesus had with some.
Some left all to follow Him.
That doesn’t happen on a whim.
Words of encouragement bring hope.
Words of encouragement can offer a view that the ‘constantly self-condemning’
person may not have considered.
Words of encouragement can bring life to an individual and turn their life around.
Be deliberate about it and go out of your way today to speak words of encouragement to someone.
I know if you ask God, He will show you who and He will give you the opportunity.
Ask Him.
I dare you!




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