Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A ‘Secret’ for Winning the World to Christ

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”
John 15:9

One of the things the Gifts of the Spirit will do is attract a crowd but one of the things the Fruit of the Spirit will do is keep the crowd.
A Word of Prophecy, a Word of Wisdom or a miracle will certainly grab someone’s attention.
But as quickly as their attention has been grabbed, it can also be lost.
Now, maybe you’re thinking this blog is about to slam the gifts and only lift the fruit but that is not the case.
They are both needed in the church or God would not have given them.
Note that I wrote: “One of the things…” in speaking of both the Gifts and the Fruit.

‘Fool’s gold’ was called that because it had the ability to ‘fool’ the untrained eye.
A prospector who had been at it for a while could discern between the real and the fake.
People are hungry and desperate for the genuine presence of God.
Jesus spoke with authority and with wisdom and He performed miracles.
We, as His church, are to be filled with His Spirit.
The gifts and the fruit should be active and evident in His body and in our individual lives.
His love is attractive.
His love is better than life! (see Psalm 63:3).
I grow in the Fruit of the Spirit as I abide in Christ.
I also allow the Father to prune me so that I can bear more fruit.
The same is true of the church.
You see, it is out of a relationship with Christ that His love flows.
It flows between Him and I and the church (the vine and the branches) and it flows out to a hungry, desperate world, looking for what is real and not for fools’ gold.
How can you best present Christ to the world?
By remaining passionately, wholeheartedly in love with Him.
Offer the world something far greater than gold by remaining in love with Him!

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