Wednesday, March 28, 2012

God’s Love is Accessible

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16

There are poor believers and wealthy believers.
There are disciples of Jesus Christ who list a doctorate after their
names and those who cannot even spell their own names.
Many profess Christ in lands where they are free to do so, and many more in nations where they would likely be killed and surely be persecuted if they openly professed Him.
Followers can be found among both male and female, young and old, white, black, yellow, brown and red. God’s love and His redemption, is not available to a select few but, as our scripture records, to whoever believes in Him.
Maybe you are reading this today right here in the United States, where it is being written, or in Russia, Germany or a host of other countries, but, wherever you are, understand that the love of God extends to you.
He does not limit it to a nation or race of people.
In the current ‘vernacular’, there is no litmus test applied to us to receive the love of God.
God loves the sinner and the saint.
He loves the atheist, the agnostic and the anarchist.
As we learned God’s love is accessible to all, but not all will accept it.
Access is not the same as acceptance.
As I write this, I am sitting at a computer next to a window looking out to my front yard and beyond. I have access to the outdoors but I must decide that I want to go out and then act on that decision. God’s love is accessible to all, but to know Him, who is love; I must repent and believe in the work of His Son Jesus Christ.
I can have access because it’s available to all but then I must accept and receive that love.
Won’t you walk in Gods’ limitless, personal and accessible love today!

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