Thursday, November 3, 2011

“Faithfulness or Fruitfulness?”

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5

What ought to be the greater goal in the life of a believer, faithfulness or fruitfulness?
No, no, I hear your objections but it is not an irrelevant question.
It is of the utmost importance to you.
You see the apple tree does not fret about producing apples.
It is in its’ DNA to produce apples and not sunflowers.
Fruitfulness as a disciple of Jesus Christ is expected but my fruitfulness has more to do with relationship than with labor. If I remain attached to the vine I will bear fruit. The Father prunes and I bear more fruit. Faithfulness is often defined as “steadfast adherence”. To adhere means: to stick fast; to become attached. My faithfulness can be measured by my “stick-to-itiveness” to Christ.
Do I abide in Him?
Do I remain in Him?
Am I a branch attached to the vine?
If I abide in Him, if I remain in Him, if I am attached to Him then I will be fruitful because His DNA courses through my veins. As a matter of fact His word says apart from Him (we might say – a branch severed from the vine) we can do nothing but through the strength that Jesus Christ gives me I can do all things.
That includes living a fruitful life.
Don’t fret about being fruitful –
Faithfully abide in the vine and you will be fruitful.

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