Friday, November 4, 2011

Am I ‘Exhibit A’ for Faithfulness?

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws.”
Psalm 119:30

How does faithfulness ‘play out’ in our lives?
In other words…
What are some evidences of faithfulness in the life of a believer?
Let me give you some examples –

1.The faithful man or woman of God supports the vision of their church with their time, talent and treasures.

2.They worship God on the mountain and in the valley – through the highs and lows of life because they understand that worship is not so much an ‘act’ as it is a lifestyle.

3.They are not ‘moody’ but are reliable even in the expressions of their personality.

4.At it’s core – a ‘faithful’ person is a ‘faith-filled’ person who responds with faith toward God and others and does not respond out of fear or unbelief.

5.They can be trusted with a task to see it through to completion – they are dependable.

Alright, I have given you only five evidences of faithfulness on a list that can be very much longer.
What would you add to it?
What is God speaking to you about concerning your faithfulness?

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