Monday, December 21, 2020

Is Not This the Carpenter?


“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses,

 and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us?

And they were offended at him.”

Mark 6:3

Have you ever heard someone deliver the truth but it was presented in a way that was different than how you would present it?

You knew they were speaking truth you just were not comfortable with how it was being presented.

In many ways, that is the Christmas story.

How could the rescuing Messiah come as a baby?

Certainly he wouldn’t.

Doesn’t his stature demand he be born in a palace?

Then this same baby grows up only to be crucified.

Come on people – our Messiah – really?

God has a way of fulfilling His Word, His promises to us, which often appears to come out of nowhere.

And that’s because we expect it to come in the ‘normal’ route we envision.

Next time you hear something and you have a sense you might be hearing the truth but you are put off by the way it is presented, remember the Christmas story.

Today I listened to someone speaking.

I truly believe they were speaking the truth.

I was tempted not to listen because their ‘style’ just isn’t me.

But I want to walk in truth more than I want to walk in comfort.

Is that you today?

Don’t reject the message because you resent the messenger.

Jesus had a way of saying things that pushed some away.

He would say “...unless you eat my body and drink my blood...” and the assembled crowd scattered.

But the true disciples remained.

I said it a few days ago and I will end today’s post with this reminder:

Hold fast saints, God is still at work.

Don’t miss the truth because it is presented in a way that may makes you a wee bit (or perhaps a whole lotta) uncomfortable!


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