Thursday, December 3, 2020

A Million Ways


"The Lord is my strength and my shield;

My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;

Therefore my heart exults,

and with my song I shall thank Him." Ps. 28:7 

A grateful heart can be expressed in many different ways.

In the verses above, we find the Psalmist expressed his gratitude with his song. 

Some of us express our gratitude in a way that may be different from how others do.  

Remember Mary, the mother of Jesus, she sang her gratitude as well.

Some may express their gratitude in dance, 

some with musical instruments –

but we all we be called upon from time to time to open our mouths and say “Thank you Lord!”

Psalm 109:30 says: “With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng of worshipers I will praise him.”

 On the website – Wellness for Life, the author Lori Geurin lists

several easy ways to express gratitude.

I’ll give you just a few to consider: writing in a gratitude journal;

learning how to be a great listener; being appreciative;

smiling (yes, gratitude can sometimes be that simple)

practicing patience and tipping well.

We can be guilty of over-spiritualizing what it means to be grateful and in so doing miss the myriad of opportunities we are given every day.

How about you?

Can you add to the list?

Will you look for ways to express your gratitude today to God and others?

It is not hard.

There must be a million ways!

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