Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Alone With Jesus?


“With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them,

as much as they could understand.

He did not say anything to them without using a parable.

But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.”

Mark 4:33-34


What a privilege to be alone with Jesus.

In was at those times that Jesus broke down for His disciples the truths of the parables.

To the crowds He spoke the parables.

To His disciples He explained the parables.

Why the difference?

Some of the crowd was antagonistic, some where there to see a miracle, some to be fed like Jesus had down with the loaves and fishes.

The crowd would go home.

They might remember the story but then again they might not.

The disciples, for all of their faults and weaknesses, were in it for the long haul.

Jesus took His time with them.

He was alone with them and explained everything.

They had the opportunity to ask questions, probe a little deeper and gain better understanding.  

Maybe you’re thinking – “I wish I could get some alone time with Jesus.”

You can.

The Holy Spirit is given as a counselor and teacher to us.

Some treat the Holy Spirit like a substitute teacher; thinking of Him as second best to Jesus.

That certainly was not the testimony of the Lord.

Nothing could be further from the truth

He is given to guide us into all truth.

You might say He is now doing what Jesus did in those moments He was alone with His disciples.

The Holy Spirit will open your understanding of the Word of God.

He will teach you as you regularly set apart time to be with Him.

Will you do that today?

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