Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Trials, Tests and Difficulties Oh My!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Trials, tests and difficulties!

Why do we go through them?

Can we just skip them?

Well sure...


Imagine your strength, your perseverance, your wisdom apart from any trials or struggles in your life.

After all, that is what they are designed to do.

They are designed to perfect, direct, inspect, protect and correct.

Because of trials, tests and difficulties we can be changed and propelled forward into God’s purposes.

That is His desire for you as you go through them.

Of course, they can also not do what they are intended to accomplish.

The question is: Are you a willing participant?

Do you allow the work intended to be done?

It’s far easier to bow out.

Many do, perhaps most.

But you are not called to be like the many or the most.

You are called by God for a purpose and those trials, tests and difficulties are helping you to be best equipped for that calling.

Easy words to put on paper but tough when the trials come!

Believe me I know.

But more importantly, He knows and is with you through the trials.

Even in the silent times, He remains by your side.

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