Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Vessel Filled Up

“Above all else, guard your heart,

    for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23

“Here’s my cup Lord

I lift it up Lord

Come and fill this longing of my soul

Bread of heaven feed me ‘till I want no more

Here’s my cup. I lift it up, please make me whole.”

Do you bring your life to God each day for Him to fill you up?

In a very real sense we are all empty vessels that are filled with something.

What is that something in your life?

Is it the love of God?

Is it a career, ambition, power, lust or a thousand other somethings?

Do you guard your heart from influences that destroy or do you open it to everyone and everything that crosses your path?

There are so many influences vying for your attention and your affection.

Choose wisely and you will grow, choose foolishly and it is like taking poison into your life.

So you have your cup today – who will fill it up?

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