Monday, November 13, 2017

Greater Works

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these,

because I am going to the Father.”

John 14:12

Have you ever been told that you are going to do great things for God and then allowed your imagination to run wild with what those ‘great things’ are?

So often our natural minds run to raising the dead.

Full disclosure - mine often did (o.k. sometimes still does).

Now, I do not mean to minimize at all what God can do through you and even what He perhaps wants to do through you.

But let me suggest to you that there is no ‘greater’ work we can work than that of surrendered obedience to the will of the Lord.

Maybe the greater work for you personally today is simply to sit as His feet.

Maybe it is to be a listening ear to someone who is struggling greatly in their walk.

Again, God may call you to raise the dead – yes He is still doing that today!

But some of those heroes of the faith listed in the 11th Chapter of Hebrews never raised a single person form the dead.

I don’t recall Abraham or David or Joseph doing that particular act and yet they are remembered in scripture for other things they did in surrendered obedience to the Lord.

I just want you to understand that the enemy sometimes tries to guilt us through the imagined greater works we do not accomplish on any given day.

Let God be God in your life.

Ask Him what the greater work is He has for you today.

It may stretch your faith and grow you just to offer to pray for someone.

Could it be that simple?

Could that be a greater work in your life?

Without taking anything away from where God may have you in five years, I would answer Yes!

Allow God to order your steps and determine todays’ greater work, won’t you?

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