Monday, November 6, 2017

Less Than Perfect Heroes

“Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—

and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.”

Romans 4:19

Abraham, like each of us, had choices to make.

More often than not we tend to place Bible characters in the rarified air of perfection.

We seem to reason that their mere mention in the pages of scripture qualifies them to be on a plane so much higher than you or me.

While I am not here to denigrate those whose stories are told in those pages lets realize that some of their choices were less than stellar.

We all know those stories (scripture is not shy in telling them) and yet we still choose to think each of them was ‘different’.

Alright then, let’s go with that belief for a moment and ask ourselves what made them different?

Abraham who passed his wife off as his sister is said to be the

Father of our Faith.

David had a man murdered after sleeping with that mans’ wife and yet God spoke of Him as a man after His own heart.

These are but two examples of the frailties of our bible heroes.

How can these things be?

How do we reconcile some of their behavior with how we now often remember them?

You see God uses less than perfect vessels.

We all make mistakes.

Every one of us!

But let’s not live there.

Let’s repent, let’s stand back up and let’s get on with what God has for us to do.

Maybe you and I would not choose to do it the way God has chosen to but He is God and we are not. (thank heaven for that, right?)

Are you ready to repent and get on with what God has for you?

He is more than ready to forgive you and use you in mighty ways!

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