Thursday, September 14, 2017

Listen to me...

“Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob,

    all the remnant of the people of Israel,

you whom I have upheld since you were concieved,

    and have carried since you were born.”

Isaiah 46:3

In this verse we see God acknowledging that He has upheld Jacob (or Israel) since their conception.

As a matter of fact, He draws a distinction between conception and birth knowing full well the argument forwarded by “pro-choice” people countless generations later that life begins and not at conception –

but the Creator declares otherwise!

If these were the only words in scripture making that point they would still be enough because they are the infallible words of an almighty and all-knowing God.

But truth be told, so many others also attest to Gods’ purposes and plans for our lives long before we were born or conceived!

None of us were (or are!) a mistake or a happenstance is His eyes.

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