Monday, August 10, 2015

In Your Midst

“nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the
 kingdom of God is in your midst.”
Luke 17:21
Why should we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom?
Yes, I know we are commanded to by Jesus, but why?
Why would He command us too?
We must not forget this: The Kingdom of God must be expanding because there is no greater Kingdom in existence.
Knowing this to be true why would we not want others to be a part of that Kingdom?
Of course we would.
Let me ask you this – Is the kingdom of darkness greater or better than the Kingdom of Light?
Of course it isn’t!
What about the kingdom of man?
Just look around and it becomes easy to see that God’s Kingdom is far greater than anything we have built.
As a matter of fact, it would be selfish of us to know and believe in the Kingdom of God and not want others to join us in it.
We have preached a Gospel that has us getting saved by the skin of our teeth and holding out for heaven – if we can just make it until then!
God did not send His Son to die so that you and I might just squeak through the pearly gates.
Jesus said that He came to give us abundant life and He wasn’t just talking about later.
We have lived so far below the inheritance purchased for us.
The Gospel of the Kingdom is a message of full, victorious, abundant life NOW and for eternity.  
We must stop holding out for the ‘someday’ and begin to walk in the fullness of life that is ours now in the Kingdom of God.
Are you walking in Kingdom life today?

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