Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Shelter in the Storm

“You have been …a shelter from the storm…”
Isaiah 25:4
My son and I were hiking today in a state park called Stoney Brook.
The drive from our home was about 90 minutes long under a gray, cloud-covered sky.
There was no rain for the trip so we felt confident setting out on the ½ mile gorge trail.
No sooner had we put our left foot in front of our right than the sprinkles started.
Not to worry though, the tree canopy above was like an umbrella protecting us from the mild showers.
But…perhaps a ¼ mile into the hike and the heavens opened up!
Gorge on one side, rock wall on the other side.
Where to go?
There, as we rounded the bend was our shelter in the storm.
A rock outcrop that was just high enough to duck under.
The picture above is what became our actual ‘shelter from the storm’.
My son snapped the picture on our hike back.
David spoke over and over of God becoming his hiding place, his rock, his fortress, his shield and buckler.
God is our shelter when we face the storms of life.
Storms come to all of us.
Those who know the Lord will find Him to be their shelter.
Do you know Him?
You will not face a life free of the storms but you can know Him who can protect you through them.
When we got back to the car my wife could not understand how we were dry.
She expected us to come back, wringing out our clothes and sopping wet.
We were excited to tell her about our shelter from the storm.
Do you have that same shelter?

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