Friday, September 6, 2013

The tragedy of not answering the door

Note: As we did last week, today's blog is written by David Trotta. May it speak to your heart and cause you to take action...

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20)

Inevitably, in our walk with the Lord, there will be seasons where He will beckon us to come away with him; to go deeper; to put away the average and experience the extraordinary; a time when he desires to do a purifying work in our lives.

Do you sense such a season is upon you? Do you hear him calling you to put away lesser things and pursue him with all your heart?

If yes, something wonderful is at your doorstep.  You are at the cusp of something special.  The God of the universe wants to have fellowship with you and He will not leave you unchanged. 

However, this is often the tragedy that plays out.  We ignore the knock and leave Jesus standing at the door.  We say things like “I will respond tomorrow or when things are less busy,” but one of the characteristics of a season is that it will eventually pass.

Sure, we may still get to heaven some day, and Jesus may even come knocking again, but we miss a wonderful opportunity to be forever changed.  Instead, we continue to settle for the ordinary and leave our hearts unsatisfied and longing for something more.

Knock, knock.  Hi Jesus, come on in….

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