Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Start the Stopwatch…

“Help me, Lord, to keep my mouth shut and my lips sealed.”
Psalm 141:3 (TLB Version)
Take a look at the posts on Facebook.
Listen as you stand in line at the grocery store.
Strike up a conversation with someone about the weather.
And whatever you do, don’t talk religion or politics!
These are all places, opportunities and conversations where complaining seems so prevalent.
We established yesterday that complaining was more than just a bad habit – it is sin!
The believer who complains challenges God’s wisdom, His care for them and His goodness.
With each complaint we are telling God we know better than Him.
You disagree?
Oh, I see – “Your complaints aren’t directed toward Him” you say!
Does that really matter?
Think about it.
You are made in the image of God.
As a believer who desires to grow and mature is complaining moving you to that end?
Maybe you can study the scriptures to locate a place where God complains?
How about Jesus – complaining?
I think you would be hard pressed to find examples.
Here is a challenge we can all take.
Find a way to time yourself between complaints using a stopwatch.
Ask God to help you move from the stopwatch to a calendar.
When you’ve made it 24 hours without a complaint try putting two days together.
Then three.
Then four.

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