Wednesday, March 20, 2019

“R” and “R”

“Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.”

Luke 1:36-37

Life will have difficulties.

We have built the case for this fact over the last couple of days.

So how do you deal with the overwhelming situations inevitably faced by all of us?

Let me offer a couple of helps today and tomorrow.

When you are overwhelmed, reach out to others and rely on God.

Mary received the news of the birth of Jesus from an angel but she was also ‘given’ her cousin Elizabeth as someone she could reach out to.

She was not all alone.

Sometimes, when we find ourselves in difficult and overwhelming situations we can go into ‘hiding’.

 This is not healthy.

We can draw strength and encouragement from others and we can also learn that others want to help and bless you as you reach out to them.

Stop trying to make it on your own.

God never meant for you to do that.

It is no accident that we are called a ‘body’ of believers and the ‘family’ of God.

But understand that as wonderful as others will and can be, your reliance must be on God and not on man.

He can and will bring others into your life when you need them but of God alone can we say: “Nothing is impossible.”

Isn’t that talking out of both sides of my mouth?

Not at all.

Mary could, and did, rejoice with her cousin Elizabeth but her through it all she needed to rely on God.

So, some twofold counsel if you are struggling with what seems to be an impossible situation.

Reach out to others and Rely on God     

“R” and “R”

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