Sunday, November 1, 2020

Not One, Not Two, But Three Healthy Habits


“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands

is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12


Here is a three stranded chord of extraordinary strength:

Memorize, meditate on and model the Word of God in your life.

When you combine these three and surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit you become an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God.

Who among us has not felt emboldened when you are standing shoulder to shoulder with a friend or older brother?

You are willing to do things you might not venture to do when you are alone.

There is indeed strength in numbers!

It is good to memorize scripture.

It is good to meditate on scripture.

It is good and essential to model scripture in our life.

It is far, far better and effective when we combine the three.

Today, take that verse you have committed to memory, spend some time mulling it over and digging deeper into its meaning and most importantly ask the Holy Spirit for the opportunities throughout the day to model it to others.   

That is a three stranded chord not easily broken!




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