Friday, August 31, 2018

Giving Thanks Paves the Way

Todays blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God. (Psalm 50:23)

We say thanks for a lot of things in our life before we receive them, often times without even being consciously aware of it.

Let me give you a few recent personal examples.

A few days ago, I thanked by son in-law for ordering a couple of movie tickets for me that I could pick up at the movie theater before the showing.  I didn’t watch him place the order or have the tickets in my possession ahead of time, but I still thanked him because I was fully expectant the tickets would be there when I walked into the theatre.

The other day at work, while on the phone with my wife, she told me she was cooking my favorite dinner.  Before we hung up, I thanked her, even though I hadn’t tasted a bite yet.  Why?  Because I trusted my wife’s word and knew the dinner she promised would be waiting for me.

How much more does God deserve my thanks before I see His promises come to pass?

Has God revealed a promise to you in His word?  Maybe the promise of provision in a time of need?  Maybe a promise of peace in the midst of a very difficult situation.  Maybe the promise of comfort for a broken heart?

Whatever it may be, one of the greatest demonstrations of faith is to express gratitude to God before you receive what you’re expecting.

Jesus practiced this truth.  Before He even called Lazarus out from the tomb, Jesus said “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.” (John 11:41)

What if we sincerely thanked God after every prayer request before we saw anything come to pass?  Our thanks-filled expectation will align our heart with God’s desires and position us to receive all that He has for us.

As the above verse declares, God wants to show you His salvation, and giving thanks prepares the way.

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