Tuesday, September 4, 2018

“Let Go and Let God”

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

I Corinthians 11:1

Recently we talked about a phrase that has been popular but that I took issue with. Today there is another ‘popular’ phrase that I think is a better commentary on how we ought to live our lives.

That phrase is the title of today’s blog – “Let Go and Let God”.

That begs the question – “Let go of what and let God what”? There is a very simple answer but it is an answer we must often remind ourselves of. You see we need to let go of anything that keep us from letting God take the lead in our lives.

The best leaders know how to follow


The best leaders know who to follow.

Let go of taking the lead in your own life and let God lead you.

I am frightened by those who appear to have the reigns of their life and ministry firmly in their own hands.

I am inspired and motivated by those leaders who have learned to be followers of Christ.

That leader who follows Christ teaches by example that true leaders are true followers.

After all, isn’t that what Jesus taught?

I am sure there were a lot of ‘good’ things Jesus could have done that he did not do.

That was because His life was not just about doing ‘good things’ as valuable as they may be.

His life was about following the lead of the His Father in heaven.

I am not discouraging you from doing good works.

Indeed we should.

Instead I am encouraging you to do the works of God by letting Him lead as you follow!

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