Monday, August 27, 2018

“Extreme Seasons”

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse,

whose rider is called Faithful and True...”

Revelation 19:11a

We happen to live in a part of the world where there are four distinct seasons throughout the year. If I had to describe them (and if you allow me a little liberty) I would say that Winter and Summer are the ‘extreme’ seasons typically marked by the most cold and most hot days of the year respectively. Spring and Fall can certainly have surprises as well but the weather complaints are most often heard relative to the cold and the heat.

That got me to thinking about faithfulness and how the greatest tests of faithfulness often come at the ‘extreme’ times of our lives. Those times when the days are shortest, the wind blows coldest and the voice of God seems silent are times when we may be tempted to be unfaithful because the circumstances seem to be getting the best of us.

Conversely, there are also seasons of sunny days and warm breezes blowing when we are enjoying the blessing of God on our lives. Sadly though, when we fail to recognize Him in the blessings and we are tempted to credit our skill and perseverance, we can also slip away from that faithful commitment to God.

Faithfulness, then, is most obvious in our lives during those ‘extreme’ seasons. It is made most evident, to ourselves and others, not only “…through the Valley of the Shadow of death…” but also on the mountaintop experiences.

Faithfulness is tested – and evidenced – in the time of lack and

the time of abundance in our lives.

If you or your family are in an ‘extreme’ season in your life right now hold fast to God. Remain faithful to Him as He walks with you through this season. Even if you don’t ‘feel’ His presence understand He has not left you.

We may be called to faithfulness but He is Faithful and True

through all the extremes of life!

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