Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thank You

“Now, our God, we give you thanks,

    and praise your glorious name.”

I Chronicles 29:13

A day off from work and a perfect Spring day here in western New York.

That gave me the opportunity to get some yard work done.

As I was considering the tasks completed I was so grateful to the Lord.

Oh sure, there is still a long ‘to-do’ list and it would be easy to grumble about the length of that list but instead it can be an opportunity to express gratitude.

The mere fact that I have yard work means I have a yard.

I have green space to enjoy.

I took my laptop out to the deck to enjoy the evening as I write this post.

As I am sitting here I am enjoying the scent of the Lilac bush in full bloom and the Begonia’s that we just potted.

So what is the lesson from today?

Simply this, remember to thank God for all of His blessings.

They can easily be missed when we are not looking.

They can hardly be recognized when we are complaining.

They are abundant if our heart is set to see them.

I have a nephew named Andrew who had his tonsils out this week.

He was in a lot of pain today but in the midst of that he took the time to express his gratitude for the wonderful care of his grandparents.

There is a lesson there for all of us.

Open your that the blessing can be recognized.

Open your see each one.

Open your give thanks to God.

Be blessed today as you give thanks with a grateful heart!

Click on the link below to enjoy this video song of thanks:

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