Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hitting the Wall

“It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

I Corinthians 13:7

Have you ever experienced ‘the wall’?

Maybe you were praying or worshipping and it just didn’t seem to be making a difference.

Beyond that it seemed there was real resistance to your prayers and worship.

Maybe you are a Pastor or worship leader and you have experienced the same thing.

It is as if there was a wall that your worship, your prayers, your preaching just is not getting past.

What do you do?

You press on!

Maybe the Holy Spirit will reveal what the wall is but maybe He won’t.

We were encouraged this past week by Kristi as she as our worship leader faced just such a wall.

As she called out to God for an answer, He encouraged her to declare the promises over her life as well as those of the worship team and the body of Christ at His Place. Much took place as she obeyed and ground was taken for the Kingdom.

As I thought about all that she shared I was reminded of the series on love we are in the midst of.

One person loved those at His Place enough to push through in prayer for the rest of us. She loved the Lord enough to be obedient as directed her actions so that ground might be taken.

I saw the word wall as an acronym:





As we both individually and corporately live love through moments like our worship leader experienced last week we will see more and more ground taken for the Kingdom of God.

When we care enough (translated love!) for ourselves and others that we press through in prayer to see the victory, those walls will come tumbling down!

(Note: It is not always easy to succinctly capture my thoughts and experiences in a daily blog, let alone those of someone else to readers near and far but there are some important lessons that can be learned from what was shared so I have attempted to express but one small aspect of what I believe God was doing through it for all of us at His Place.)

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