Thursday, December 11, 2014

“I Didn’t Want to Be ‘That Guy’!”

“…Assign to each man the specific things he is to carry.”
Numbers 4:32b
During the Christmas season there are a lot of movies on T.V. about children and their wishes for Santa Claus.
Inevitably there is a ‘feel good’ story about a child who receives the exact wish they had made to Santa.
This past Sunday we listened as a member of the church at His Place shared a testimony.
As he told of how God used him to meet specific needs in delivering food, books and toys at places he did not even know existed before, he kept repeating the phrase –
“I didn’t want to be that guy”.
He didn’t want to be that guy that threw a toy into a collection bin once a year in order to ease his conscious and reward himself with a feel good moment.
He didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ who showered gifts on people for all the wrong reasons.
In other words, he didn’t want to make it all about him.
But a ‘funny thing’ happened as he surrendered himself to God’s leading.
He wasn’t ‘that guy’ but he became God’s servant.
A very ordinary day turned out to be a remarkably miraculous one.
Simply because he asked God to order his steps and use him as He desired.
God took him to locations where, what he had to give away was exactly what was needed.
God used him as a ‘matchmaker’, of sorts, between what was needed and what he had to give.
What a wonderful testimony of how God can use what you have to bless others.
But it was not through some ‘generic’ donation, God led him to people and places that had the exact needs he was able to fill!
Isn’t God good?
The wonderful news is that He wants to do the same thing with you.
He is no respecter of persons and desires to use you to minister in sincere and genuine ways to others.  
Won’t you ask Him to do that today?
Maybe, it’s a physical need, maybe it’s out of the resources you steward for God or maybe it is simply bringing words that encourage and build someone up.
 Go ahead…He wants to minister through you to others!

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