Thursday, December 4, 2014

Attitude? What Atitude?

Todays' blog post is contributed by Denise Friedman and it offers me the opportunity to ask you a question. What is your attitude toward a post which would, at first read, appear to hold the same truths as something posted earlier in the week? If it is - been there, done that - do you think there is anything to gain from it for you? Maybe your attitude will close down that opportunity. But, if your attitude is - well this is repeated so maybe I need to pay attention to the message - then perhaps the Holy Spirit can accomplish something through the post. Please take this opportunity to read all that is written and let its' truth sink in and bring change. You won't regret it!
                                                                                                 Stephen Brisson

As we focus this week on distractions, today let’s look at hour life’s distractions affect our attitude.  We are looking at the story of Martha and Mary.  Yesterday we noted Martha had many distractions, sound like anyone you know? 

She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?  Tell her to help me!”  “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “You are worried and upset about many things.”  Luke 40-41

Jesus does not address the superficial problem of Martha’s current circumstance, he gets right to the core of the problem, which really was not her current busyness with the preparations, but instead her distraction with the busyness, which caused her to be frustrated with Mary.  How many times (a day!) could Jesus speak these same words to you?  Insert your name above.

When you become distracted and lose your focus on God, bring this Scripture to mind and allow Jesus to whisper these same words to you that he spoke to Martha so long ago.  .  Remember what we were told several weeks ago by our pastor:  What may have been ok for you to do previously might not be ok to do in the season we are in.  This doesn’t make it bad, but we want to keep our focus on Him.  Then, listen to Holy Spirit guide you to let go what is not producing fruit in the Kingdom.  Allow yourself the freedom to let go the distractions which are negatively affecting your attitude.

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