Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Wave Offering

 “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth: make aloud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof; the world,
 and they that dwell therein.”
Psalm 98:4,7

A few years back it was somewhat popular to see stadiums full of people engage in what came to be known as a “wave cheer” or more simply “The Wave”. At one end of the stadium people would begin by standing up and raising their hands into the air over their heads.  This would move like a “wave” through the stadium and if the timing was right an observer would see the undulating crowd of people like a wave.

Recently as I sat in prayer I got to thinking about what I would call the church’s “Wave Offering” to God. Every Sunday all over the globe believers gather together to worship God and to offer a wave offering to the Lord. Every nation offering praise to the creator – like a planet wide “wave offering” – it begins with other time zones a “world” away – then we have our chance to join that giant wave offering. When we come together, stand and lift our hands in praise to Him…and then churches all over the next time zone pick up the “wave” of praise and carry it on until it reaches all the way to where it started so that as the worship moves from time zone to time zone it is as if the church were offering a global wave offering to God!

So let me ask you a question. We can get excited over a great many things in our life from sports to politics to the latest and greatest passion. When was the last time you got excited about God and offered Him praise beyond anything man can elicit from you? Think about it. We are often far more passionate in front of the television or at a concert than we are at church and yet no one is more deserving of our praise than the one who has saved us and given us eternal life!

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