Monday, August 27, 2012

Spit it Out!

“And the words of the Lord are flawless,
    like silver refined in a furnace of clay,
    purified seven times.”
Psalm 12:6

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

The ‘tried-and-true’, quaint and safe Sunday morning service can be an offense to God!
Because it is too often more about our comfort and our feelings
then it is about hearing what God wants to say.
Suppose the Word of the Lord to you today is to: “Spit it out!”
You may ask – “Spit what out?”
Spit out the poisonous, toxic words and thoughts which are not
life giving but rather bring death.
Poisonous and toxic words are 'killing' words, which, like their author, come to rob, steal and destroy. 
On the other hand; God’s words to us, while not always pleasant, are always right.
“Spit it out!” was the command we received on Sunday.
Get rid of those thoughts and words planted in your spirit which do not belong there.
Maybe it was a seed sown long ago that we have allowed, over time, to grow and grow and grow.
Before we know it that toxic seed is a giant weed defining who we are.
We have allowed it to usurp the Word of God in our life.
So, the command comes, not in a whispered and indifferent tone but in an impassioned plea from a Father who loves His children.
Spit out the poison and drink in my words to you.
    God speaks life to His children.
Don’t be offended by His command and fail to take the action He urges.
Spit out the poisonous, toxic words and thoughts and take in His word!

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