Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Morning Breath ALL Day Long

“How sweet are your words to my taste,
    sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
Psalm 119:103

It’s usually not fun to be around someone with “morning breath”.
Maybe they were rushed and didn’t have time to brush their teeth.
Maybe they were pre-occupied and forgot.
Maybe they just have not developed good personal hygiene habits.
Whatever the reason, when we are confronted by someone else with “morning breath” we try to discreetly turn away or keep our distance.
We talked about toxic words and their impact if we do not “spit them out”. 
But there is an impact to others as well.
There are words we can receive and ‘harbor’ in our spirit and then there are words we can ‘deliver’ to others.
We said that Jesus did not harbor toxic thoughts.
He also did not carry around toxic words ready to hurl them at His listeners.
Did He speak ‘hard’ words? Yes.
 Did He speak words of correction, discipline and judgment? At times, yes He did.
But He never spoke to hurt simply for the sake of hurting others.
His words were never meant to be mean but always purposeful.
Do you walk around with sweet words or bitter?
Do people wince when you speak or are they blessed?
Do you have ‘all day morning breath’ or is your language sweet to the hearer?

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