Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beware the Neat and Tidy God

“But will God indeed dwell with men on the earth? Behold, the heavens and heaven of heavens [in its most extended compass] cannot contain You;
how much less this house that I have built?”
I Kings 8:27

The last couple of days we have been looking at the odd or peculiar ways that God often moves and how that can really upset our apple cart.
Even the most faithful servant, as we saw with John the Baptist, can be shaken when they confidently assume they know how God is going to accomplish something, only to be confused when God moves in ways they had not anticipated.
But there is another side of the story.
Some can be so confident they know God and know His methods that when He moves in a way they did not anticipate, they reject that God could be in it at all.
They have a ‘neat and tidy God’ that always accommodates
by fitting in every box they create for Him.
Only one problem with that, it is not really the God of the Bible. 
Does this mean God is fickle?
Does this mean God cannot be relied on?
No, not at all!
Gods’ character and His attributes will not change.
God’s methods, while they will not contradict who He is, are very ‘changeable’ and creative.
If you have walked with God for any length of time you know He is anything but boring!
Let me ask you this: How many ways has He used to express His love to you?
  Most people would agree with the cliché that we should not “put God in a box” but how often do we do just that?
Our services, our ministries, and our daily schedules are often neat and tidy.
How dare God redirect my day, refocus my ministry or ‘heaven forbid’ change the order of “my” service.
Are you willing to let God be God?
Rest assured, He will take you up on the offer!

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