Monday, January 23, 2012

Love Lifted Me

“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
Matthew 4:4

Are His very words life to you?
I haven’t shared a lot of personal experiences in this blog since its inception back in August of 2011 but in light of how our time in Gods’ presence
was today please allow me to share something with you.
A few months back, on a Sunday morning, we were experiencing a sweetness of Gods’ Spirit as we worshipped together. At one point God whispered into my spirit that He wanted to tell me something. Having been out of work for some time I “leaned in” with my spiritual ears – so to speak – that I might hear what it was He wanted to say. I supposed He might speak something about my prospects in the search for employment, maybe even giving me a specific person’s name as a contact or the name of a company to reach out too. As I continued to press in, in worship, and listened; He spoke just three words to me.
He said: “I love you.”
I cannot express to you the impact that those words had on me except to
say – and I struggle for words to describe it – that I ‘melted’ in His presence
(I know, I know – real men don’t ‘melt’; right?).
They were not the words I was expecting but
they were exactly the words I needed to hear.
He knew that.
He always does.
Maybe He could have spoken something else that would have brought some great direction, but in His infinite wisdom, He instead spoke words that strengthened me and continue to sustain me. Ultimately, it was also a directive word because it re-directed my focus back to where it needed to be – to Him.
Do you know that He loves you?
I am not talking about a head knowledge ascent but a deep-down-in-your-spirit understanding that the Creator and King and Lord and Savior loves you beyond what you can imagine. I share that today because He reminded us this morning of that great love He has for each of us.
I didn’t earn it (neither did you) and I don’t deserve it (nor do you) but it is that immeasurable work of grace, finished on the cross, that speaks of His love down through the ages to you and I.
Today, listen for those words: “…I love you”…
He wants you to know that.

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