Friday, April 8, 2016

One Sent

Today’s blog post was contributed by David Trotta:

Jesus said to them again, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." (John 20:21)

Jesus sent the disciples into the world to change it.  But Jesus’ words in the above verse weren’t exclusive to his disciples.  They also apply to you and me.

As the disciples where sent into the world, so also we are sent.

With that truth in hand, begin to look at your life a little differently.  Instead of life happening to you, begin to live your life on purpose as one sent with a specific mission, a mission to influence your world for Jesus and advance the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Now you may not be sent to the mission field in a foreign county, but you have been strategically placed where you live, work, and play.

The neighborhood you live in, the job you work at, the family you were born into - none of them are a mistake.  As a child of God, you were tactically placed in each of those areas for just a time as this to influence those around you and demonstrate what life in the Kingdom of God is like.

Make a list of the places you have influence and begin to look at them through a different lens.  Look at them through the lens of “one sent” by Jesus.

When you wake up tomorrow morning, instead of thinking “I have to go to work,” think “I am being sent to work.”

The next time you grab your grocery list and head out the door, don’t think “I have to run to the store.”  Instead think “I am being sent to the store.”

Everywhere you go, think of yourself as an ambassador for the Kingdom of God.  Then, look for opportunities to exert you God-given influence as one sent by the King.

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