Thursday, September 17, 2015

Who is Wise?

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”
James 3:13
Wisdom in others can be evident when we are looking for the right things.
Wisdom can also be evident to others in our own life.
Success? Not necessarily.
Popularity? No.
Power? No.
James wrote of those characteristics we should be looking for:
A good life and deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
There are many people in our nation and in the world who are happy to do ‘good deeds’ and contribute great amounts of money to this or that charity so long as their name is emblazoned with their gift.
As believers we should understand our role as stewards of the resources gifted to us and when we have opportunity to do good deeds, large or small, use those opportunities to honor the God who blessed us with them.
Remember that God is a debtor to no man and that He sees what is done in secret.
He sees that one who needed a word of encouragement and received it from you, in His name.
He sees that one with the sign asking for money to buy lunch and how you stopped to be sure they had something to eat even though your ‘to-do’ list was long and it meant sacrifice on your part that others may not understand.
He sees the child you took in and loved who had no hope of adoption.
He knows about the orphanages your contributed dollars quietly built all over the continent with no fanfare and no public recognition.
Human pride seeks immediate gratification for ‘good deeds’.
Wise humility seeks the eternal rewards from our Heavenly Father.
Who is wise and understanding among you?

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