Tuesday, September 29, 2015

No Shortcuts!

“And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds,
and said unto them, Occupy till I come.”
Luke 19:13
How do we occupy the earth for the Kingdom of God?
Do we engage in ‘make busy’ efforts biding our time until Jesus returns for us?
Of course not!
We were not created merely to live out a ‘hurry up and wait’ existence.
Remember that the words we long to hear are:
“Well done good and faithful servant…”
So what is the ‘well done’ supposed to be?
It is living out the purposes for which God created you.
So often people struggle and become anxious over a statement like that.
We open our bibles and see a timeline of Joseph, Moses or David’s life and expect the same clarity for ourselves.
But of course these historic timelines were a record of a series of events in each of their lives that unfolded day-by-day.
When Samuel anointed David, for example, he did not hand him a copy of David’s life timeline taken from a modern bible and say to him:
Here you go David, this is your life and how it will unfold before you.
No, David had to walk day-by-day and moment-by-moment in obedience to the will of God.
Of course we know he didn’t
There were mistakes along the way.
Do you want to ‘occupy’ for the Kingdom?
Not necessarily next week, next month or next year; but today?
Your fingerprint is unique just as the ‘fingerprint of your life’s timeline’ is unique.
God will not ask you to follow another person’s plan.
That means I have to lean in and listen.
Then I have to obey!
No shortcuts to occupying till He comes!

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