Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Speak Life!

"For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well."
Psalm 139:13-14
Each and everyone of us is fearfully and wonderfully made.
This is the truth for the most faithful believer and the most ardent atheist.
Unbelief does not change the truth.
God created us lovingly and purposefully.
The Psalmist tells us that my heavenly Father knit me together in my mother's womb.
"So, what do you say to the person who was conceived through rape", you ask.
I say that God can take the circumstances of that life and turn them to good when we hand our lives over to Him.   
"What of the Down's Syndrome child or the otherwise disabled child?"
They are worthy of our love and have so much to give if we value them as the gift of God that they are.
Perhaps you know someone who just needs to be encouraged today that God did not make a mistake when they were created.
They are special and valued and loved by Him.
Maybe He has brought that person onto your life for just that word of encouragement to be delivered.
Not once, but many times over the course of your relationship with them.
Sometimes, our greatest gift to others can be to reinforce in them how special they are to God.
So many people today are hearing a contrary message.
They hear from others that they are worthless, of no value and someone nobody could love.
If those words sound foreign to you then you are blessed.
Take some time today to bless those whom you meet that unfortunately hear and believe those words.
Better yet, ask God to allow your path to cross with someone today that you can speak words of life into.
Look for the opportunity to encourage.
Look for the opportunity to build someone up.
Look for the opportunity to share His love.
Look for the opportunity to speak life.
Those opportunities are out there.
For the other person's sake don't let them pass you by!
Let the words of this song minister to you -

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