Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Land of What If

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.
Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,”
Philippians 2:3
My son has often asked me questions prefaced with the words “What if…”
My standard response has been: “I don’t live in the land of ‘What If”!
But let’s keep this secret just between us and don’t tell my son if you see him:
Let’s visit the Land of ‘What If’ today.
What if… we did nothing out of selfish ambition?
What if… we did nothing out of vain conceit?
What if…, in humility, we valued others above ourselves?
Would those behaviors radically change your home, your workplace, the world?
Of course they would!
That is what the King of the Kingdom has asked us to do.
Beyond that He has given us His Spirit so it is not something we are asked to do in our own power.
As a matter of fact no amount of ‘will power’ will equal what the Spirit of God can do in one surrendered person.
Imagine the divorce rate of a place where others were always valued above you…
Can you say non-existent?
Imagine a workplace where selfish ambition was set aside…
All working to achieve the same goals while honoring and cooperating with others – wow!
Imagine a world where there was no conceit, no vanity, no individuals puffing themselves up.
 Are you starting to see a picture of what the Kingdom of God can bring?
What if

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