Friday, February 7, 2014

You Are a Walking Billboard

Today's blog is contributed by David Trotta:

Did you know that you are called to be a walking billboard; a love letter from Jesus to be read by those you come in contact with?

Listen to what the apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 – “The only letter I need is you yourselves! By looking at the good change in your hearts, everyone can see that we have done a good work among you. They can see that you are a letter from Christ, written by us. It is not a letter written with pen and ink, but by the Spirit of the living God; not one carved on stone, but in human hearts.” (The Living Bible)

What does your billboard say?  One way or another – good or bad – your life continually proclaims a message to those around you by your words, your actions, how you treat others, etc.

I remember watching a very sad movie.  The mother of a young woman did not like the boy her daughter fell in love with, so when they had to move away, the young boy repeatedly wrote to the girl pledging his love for her, but the mother intercepted the letters and did not let her daughter see them.  So, the daughter incorrectly assumed that the boy no longer cared about her.

Are you withholding God’s love letter from those you come in contact with by not filling your life with God’s word, but instead filling it with the empty and temporal things of this world?  Only when we fill our lives with THE Word (Jesus) and His written word (scripture) can we be an accurate expression of Him on the earth, continually demonstrating His love, kindness, goodness, and forgiveness to those around us.

Psalm 119:11 says I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”  Let’s determine to let our billboard proclaim the “good change in our hearts” by hiding Jesus and His word there.


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