Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Which ‘R’ You?

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves,
 it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9

As we look at the grace of God this week a question arises –
What do you need to do if you are going to live life through God’s grace?
Over the next couple of days we will look at that question and offer some answers.
Perhaps the greatest enemy of grace is ‘religion’.
His grace flows through me when I maintain a relationship with Him.
If instead, I make it all about my works, my abilities and what I can do; I have moved away from relationship and instead I am cozying up with religion.
In essence, I am cultivating a ‘working’ relationship with religion rather than with my Savior.
Religion is evident when His presence matters far less to me than what I can do.  
Religion robs but relationship with Christ rewards.
Religion steals away grace by replacing it with my efforts.
Relationship instructs and makes evident God’s grace in my life.
The abundant life from God flows through me as I remain in relationship with Christ through His Holy Spirit.
While religion will ‘puff us up in pride’, relationship ‘powers us up in His Spirit’.
Are you looking for more of His presence and grace to flow through your life?
Then guard against religion and instead draw near to God and cultivate that relationship that craves His presence more than anything else!
So Which ‘R’ You – Religion or Relationship?

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