Monday, September 3, 2012

But I Don’t Wanna Pray for Them!

“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live
peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
I Timothy 2:1-2

Leaders are influencers.
And that is true whether you are speaking of a leader in the home, in the church or in a nation.
Those who lead set a tone and a direction that others follow.
A change in the leadership of a nation very often can mark a distinct change in the direction of that nation.
If there were no other reason than that, it should be enough of one to pray for our leaders.
I would change none of what is written in the 5 sentences above for any of the readers of this blog.
I know not all of you live here in the United States; but then the command given in the book of Timothy was not written to citizens of the United States.
It is a command to followers of Jesus Christ wherever they may be. 
We are perhaps more aware of the need in this country as we close in on our next presidential election but the urgency of the need to pray for leaders all over this globe has never been greater.
The command is broad and is to pray for “…all those in authority…”
and it is a command we ignore at our peril.
When was the last time you broadened your prayer horizon and prayed for those beyond your own four walls?
Do you want those who impact your life (and to be sure, your national leaders do!) to be influencers for God or in opposition to Him?
I know – seems like a “no-brainer” question.
So then we have an obligation to live in obedience to the passage above!

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