Friday, December 29, 2017

Room for Merging

Today’s blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

One of my pet peeves when driving is when other drivers will not let you merge into traffic on the expressway from the onramp.  You are at their mercy.  If they don’t let you in, you’re faced with having to quickly speed up or slow down to squeeze into traffic before you run out of road.

On the other hand, what I love is when the person alongside you moves over into the left hand lane giving you plenty of room to merge.

God will sometimes bring others into our path because He wants our lives to merge.  The other person may be going through a very difficult time and needs some words of encouragement or they may need to hear the good news about what Jesus did for them.

But often we are too busy speeding down the highway of life preventing us from making room for others. We don’t want to bother pulling over or slowing down to let them into our world, so we just blow right past them.

The other day, when coming around the corner at work, I met up with a coworker.  I could tell by the expression on his face that he was extremely troubled.  I immediately asked if he was ok and he began to share about a struggle at home.  We weren’t able to talk long, but I believe a door was opened that will allow me to reach out to him again.

If I didn’t pause to allow God to merge our lives, even if briefly, then I would have missed an opportunity for God to use me.

In Acts 13:47, God said “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

We need to be sensitive to those merging opportunities that God puts in our life. As Christ followers, we are not where we are in life by mistake.  God has put us there for a purpose, to show His love to others.

Keep your heart open and allow room for merging.

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