Monday, December 11, 2017

A Life Fully Surrendered

“...Father, into your hands I commit my spirit...”   

Luke 23:46

My spirit is my connection to God.

My soul is my mind, my will and my emotions.

My body is my entire physical structure that is comprised of 5 senses that are designed to enable me to live with great pleasure and joy.

Now that we have established that let me ask a question.

Body, soul or spirit, which one is dominant in your life?

Trouble answering that question?

Let me rephrase it a bit -

Which one calls the shots?

Is your body brought into subjection to you spirit or does it rule the roost?

Maybe it’s’ your reasoning or emotions that gets top billing.

The mature believer has allowed his spirit to grow.

He has learned what it means to use his soul and his body for the glory of God.

Jesus demonstrated that perfectly in His surrender at the cross.

It was His body hanging on the tree, His will surrendered to the Father and His spirit committed into the Fathers’ hands.

That is a life fully surrendered.

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